Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Employment Relations Prepared
Question: Discuss about the Employment Relations Prepared. Answer: Introduction The report is on Managing for Performance given in a context. (Constructive Relations at Top Tracking Company) The report explains how the company's owners pump capital in promoting operations, and it tries to explain the core personnel in the business who are the management and workers and the system. The report describes the new managers practices that outdo each other with the other previous manager. The report also explains the risks to sustain the changes if the companys previous management continues. This report was initiated to explain the relationships between owners, management, workers and systems in an organization and how they influence each other to make the business prosper. It Also gives an eye on the new operations to be imposed by the new manager on the benefit of the personnel in the company as expected by George and other involved people in Top Trucking Company such as the drivers. How New Management Practices Complement the Other Managers A manager is a person who has control or direction of a company. For a company to run well, it needs to have a good manager who has proper characteristics and attributes to be one. An ideal manager encourages workers to perform sincerely. Good leaders typically practice mostly on empathy and putting into his mind the employees weighing managerial characteristics with respect and communication skills to satisfy the requirements. (Huselid 1995). As in our context (Constructing relations at top trucking company) we meet two managers. The first one who was not a good director and a good manager who led the development of the enterprise. In this report, the complement of the new yard manager on his new workplace practices introduced is as followed regarding their characteristics. Empathy Empath Organizations can encourage feelings of workplace and help managers improve their consideration to workers. (Gentry Weber Sadri 2007). Ideal managers work with their workers to set strategies, and then execute them. Our new manager at first when came in the thought of a way of improving the company without blaming the previous manager. He, therefore, communicated to his employees and worked together slowly until the company was well performing unlike the other manager who could continue yelling to his workers hence poor performance Leadership Managers must oversee the team they lead. Leadership characteristics include stability, interest, and confidentiality. Managers show emotional control by rejecting stress and frustration. (Renz 2016) The new companys leader was a breath fresh air since he had leadership qualities in which he had no knee-jerk reaction when problems arose since he was solving them by checking the problems and exploring the issue rationally other than the other manager. Communication Managers must become efficient in learning social communications if they wish to succeed in their areas of leadership. (Munter 1993). Managers must be able to have excellent communication skills. They discuss with employees who attend to them, other managers and clients. Directors also improvise communication among employees who report and listen effectively to them. They use their time to hear what workers and customers should complain of and can interact that they took note of what was said and act in a required way. The newly employed manager began to talk to his drivers and their union representatives on issues solving them to come up with a solution which led to improvement their relationship and understanding hence moving to achieve a common goal. Problem-Solving Real managers can notice and give a solution to problems. Whether it's a special issue, an ideal manager can think of solving the problem, then process the solution. A good manager also takes responsibility for problems that come in rather than citing them on workers. They take an ethical method to solving the problem. In our context, we see our new manager solving problems wisely. (Adrian Wilkinson 1999). When problems arose, he didnt blame drivers but checked things out and examined the issue critically rather than having a false reaction. Unlike the other manager who could yell to workers as if it was a bad day. Caring A good manager put in mind the safety and health status of his workers. ( Forte 2004). A good manager should organize organizations that protect the employees by providing them with correct gadgets and health checking frequently. As indicated in the book, the new director consciously worked in improving occupation health and safety, unlike the other manager who never put across such an idea since workers just remained they were. Service provision A good manager should be dynamic and provides regular training and other services that will keep employees well fitted with skills to perform any tasks and face unexpected occurrences. (Delaney Huselid 1996). The new manager in the book offered more training to drivers both technical, and in customer service which prepares workers for any incident and handles their job well unlike the other manager who never even had time to interact with employees politely to understand problems that faced them. Risks to sustain the changes if George or the yard manager continues. Although the new leader seemed cooperative with personnel in the yard and some changes were seen, it was because of risking to sustain the changes for the yard manager and George to keep on improving the yard in its operations as they move on to their management. (Lado Wilson 1994). Since they allowed some of the visitors from different areas to benchmark their activities in the yard, this could lead to their valuable secrets to known on their calling improvements in the yard. The visitors could then implement their strong knowledge into their yards in different areas and thus leading to competition with George and the new manager. The manager also took a risk on a legacy of failed changes if he could fail to achieve or implement them as he shared the data about the yard's achievements with the drivers and the union of which the manager may not be prepared to face this challenge. The new manager also came in with new trucks and the drivers uniforms. As he had already started this project, he was, therefore, to ensure that he maintains the provision of new vehicles and driver's uniforms whenever they demanded at the right time. By doing this, he offered himself a risk of the personnel in the yard to raise complaints if he failed to maintain this. (Van der Meer-Kooistra Vosselman 2000). George converses with the new manager in a humble way for the improvement of the companys operations. The manager should, therefore, ensure he maintains the spirit to give George the morale in the team work for the betterment of the enterprise. If the manager starts to patronize him, then the risks of declining George's moral towards the spearheading of the attainment of the companys set goals. By installing a new computer in the warehouse, the risk was that they were going to incur extra charges on the maintenance of the system and to employ a specialist who could operate the computer. (Davis, Ben-Natan Copeland 1998). Blue Collar Unions or Public Service Sector. The Blue-Collar Unions are therefore more likely to intervene with the yard, unlike the Public or service Sector Unions. These are the unions that represent ground service employees such as the drivers in the Top Trucking Company. Blue collar unions qualify to engage in the changes imposed by the new manager in the yard since the employees engage themselves in a manual work that is non-agricultural being that this union involves with the persons who performs non-agricultural manual work. (Hamermesh 1971). The Top Trucking Company is a private company, and thus the Blue-Collar Union fits to engage in the workplace. The Public-Sector Union does not qualify to be involved in the company since its main aim is to represent interests of employees within the public sector or government organizations only. How to Find Am Right. There are some realistic anecdotal materials of unions denying the kinds of work rule changes that are implied by improved systems, but there are also occasions in which unions were involved with workers condition. (Osterman 1994). Being that the Blue-Collar Union like the Transport Workers' Union requires one only to have specialized training, licensing or certification with not a must to be of a higher level of academic education, I then find that this is the union to work with the Top Trucking Company. Conclusion In conclusion, the report has therefore been of significance to the students since they can develop some of the skills such as in the use of employment relations between the management and the employees for the goals of the organization to be attained. (Hedlund 1994). An active manager who is ready and able to cope up with his/her juniors is of help for athletic endeavors of any organization as the new manager in Top Truck Company did which led to the invention of strategies that the employees and George found them high as compared to the previous period. References Hendry, C. (2012). Human resource management. Routledge.Adrian Wilkinson, (1999) Employee Relations, Vol. 21.Huselid, M. A. (1995). 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